The Toaster is a wrapper for your app that provides a way to trigger popup messages using the toast function.
Import the component from pol-ui to use the Toaster element:
import { Toaster } from "pol-ui";
Default Toaster
Default Toaster
import { Toaster, toast, Button } from "pol-ui";
export const ToastComponent = () => {
const createToast = () => {
title: "This is a toast",
duration: 500000,
action: {
label: "Undo",
onClick: () => {
return (
<div className="flex flex-col gap-3">
<p>Click the button to show a toast</p>
<Button onClick={createToast}>Show toaster</Button>
<Toaster {...args} />
Prop name | Type | Default | Description |
invert | boolean | false | Inverts the color of the toast. |
theme | 'light' | 'dark' | 'system' | undefined | Specifies the theme for the toaster. |
position | Position | undefined | Specifies the position of the toaster on the screen. |
hotkey | string[] | undefined | Specifies the hotkey(s) to trigger the toaster. |
richColors | boolean | undefined | Enables rich colors for the toasts. |
expand | boolean | undefined | Enables expanding behavior for the toasts. |
duration | number | undefined | Specifies the duration for which the toasts will be displayed. |
gap | number | undefined | Specifies the gap between toasts. |
visibleToasts | number | undefined | Specifies the maximum number of visible toasts. |
closeButton | boolean | undefined | Enables the close button for each toast. |
toastOptions | ToastOptions | undefined | Specifies additional options for the toasts. |
className | string | undefined | Specifies additional class names for the toaster. |
style | CSSProperties | undefined | Specifies additional styles for the toaster. |
offset | string | number | undefined | Specifies the offset for the toaster. |
dir | 'rtl' | 'ltr' | 'auto' | undefined | Specifies the text direction for the toaster. |
loadingIcon | ReactNode | undefined | Specifies the loading icon for the toaster. |
containerAriaLabel | string | undefined | Specifies the ARIA label for the toaster container. |
pauseWhenPageIsHidden | boolean | undefined | Pauses toasts when the page is hidden. |
Prop name | Type | Default | Description |
theme | ToastTheme | undefined | Specifies the theme for the toast. |
id | number | string | undefined | Unique identifier for the toast. |
title | string | ReactNode | undefined | Title of the toast. |
type | ToastTypes | undefined | Type of the toast. |
icon | ReactNode | undefined | Icon to be displayed in the toast. |
jsx | ReactNode | undefined | JSX content for the toast. |
invert | boolean | undefined | Inverts the color of the toast. |
closeButton | boolean | undefined | Enables the close button for the toast. |
dismissible | boolean | undefined | Allows dismissing the toast manually. |
description | ReactNode | undefined | Description content for the toast. |
duration | number | undefined | Duration for which the toast will be displayed. |
delete | boolean | undefined | Enables deleting the toast. |
important | boolean | undefined | Marks the toast as important. |
action | { label: ReactNode, onClick: (e) => void } | undefined | Action button for the toast. |
cancel | { label: ReactNode, onClick?: (event) => void } | undefined | Cancel button for the toast. |
onDismiss | (toast) => void | undefined | Callback when the toast is dismissed. |
onAutoClose | (toast) => void | undefined | Callback when the toast auto-closes. |
promise | PromiseT | undefined | Promise associated with the toast. |
cancelButtonStyle | CSSProperties | undefined | Styles for the cancel button. |
actionButtonStyle | CSSProperties | undefined | Styles for the action button. |
style | CSSProperties | undefined | Styles for the toast. |
className | string | undefined | Additional class names for the toast. |
classNames | ToastClassnames | undefined | Class names for different parts of the toast. |
descriptionClassName | string | undefined | Class name for the toast description. |
position | Position | undefined | Position of the toast on the screen. |
Some Toaster examples
Toaster Examples
import { Toaster, toast, Button } from "pol-ui";
export const ToastComponent = () => {
return (
<div className="flex gap-3">
onClick={() => {
title: "This is a toast",
Normal Toast
onClick={() =>
title: "This is a toast",
action: {
label: "Undo",
onClick: () => {
Action Toast
onClick={() =>
toast({ title: "This is a success toast", type: "success" })
Success Toast
onClick={() => toast({ title: "This is a error toast", type: "error" })}
error Toast
onClick={() => toast({ title: "This is a info toast", type: "info" })}
info Toast
onClick={() =>
toast({ title: "This is a warning toast", type: "warning" })
warning Toast
onClick={() =>
toast({ title: "This toast is loading", type: "loading" })
Loading Toast
onClick={() =>
title: "This toast is loading",
description: "I am the description of the toast",
Description Toast
onClick={() => toast({ title: "Martian toast", icon: <TbAlien /> })}
Custom icon <TbAlien />
onClick={() =>
title: "I will autoclose in 5 seconds",
onDismiss: (t) => {
alert("You dismissed " + t.title);
onAutoClose: (t) => {
alert("autoclosed " + t.title);
Action on close Toast
<Toaster {...args} />
To learn more about how to customize the appearance of components, please see the Theme docs.
interface ToastTheme {
base: string;
title: string;
description: string;
success: string;
error: string;
info: string;
warning: string;
loading: string;
default: string;