Use the Input component from Pol-ui is a text input field that allows users to enter text. It can be used in forms, modals, and more.
Import the component from pol-ui to use the Tooltip element:
import { Input } from "pol-ui";
Default Input
Default Input
import { Input } from "pol-ui";
export const InputComponent = () => {
return <Input placeholder="" />;
Prop name | Type | Default | Description |
color | Colors | "primary" | Optional prop to specify the color of the input. |
size | string | "md" | Optional prop to specify the size of the input. |
theme | InputTheme | Optional prop to change the theme of the input. | |
border | bool | false | Optional prop to add a border to the input. |
label | string | null | Optional prop to add a label to the input. |
labelPosition | string | "top" | Optional prop to specify the position of the label. |
labelClassName | string | "" | Optional prop to add additional classes to the label. |
innerClassName | string | "" | Optional prop to add additional classes to the inner input container. |
leftComponent | ReactNode | null | Optional prop to add a component to the left of the input. Recommended to icons |
rightComponent | ReactNode | null | Optional prop to add a component to the right of the input. Recommended to icons |
helperText | ReactNode | null | Optional prop to provide helper text for the input. |
You can also provide any prop comming from the HTML input tag.
With integrated label
You can show a label directly in the Input component by passing the label prop.
Input with label
import { Input } from "pol-ui";
export const InputComponent = () => {
return <Input placeholder="" label="Email" />;
With label in the left
You can show a label directly in the Input component by setting the labelPosition prop to left.
Input with left label
import { Input } from "pol-ui";
export const InputComponent = () => {
return <Input placeholder="" labelPosition="left" />;
With left icon
You can show an icon directly in the Input component by setting the leftComponent prop to a JSX.Element.
Input with icon
import { Input } from "pol-ui";
export const InputComponent = () => {
return (
<Input placeholder="Username" leftComponent={<TbUser className="ml-1" />} />
With a right icon
You can show an icon directly in the Input component by setting the rightComponent prop to a JSX.Element.
Input with icon in the right
import { Input } from "pol-ui";
export const InputComponent = () => {
return (
<Input placeholder="Username" leftComponent={<TbUser className="ml-1" />} />
With Helper Text
Use the helperText prop to show a helper text below the input.
Input with icon in the right
import { Input } from "pol-ui";
export const InputComponent = () => {
return <Input placeholder="" helperText="Email" />;
All Colors
The Input component has all the default color options from the design system from Pol-ui specified in the Theme section.
All default color options
import { Input, ColorsEnum, Colors } from "pol-ui";
import {TbAt} from "react-icons/tb";
export const InputComponent = () => {
return(<div className="grid grid-cols-2">
<div className="flex flex-col gap-4 p-4 bg-secondary-50">
{Object.keys(ColorsEnum).map(color => (
<Input key={color} placeholder={color} color={color as Colors} rightComponent={<TbAt />} />
<div className="dark flex flex-col gap-4 p-4 rounded-xl bg-secondary-900">
{Object.keys(ColorsEnum).map(color => (
<Input key={color} placeholder={color} color={color as Colors} rightComponent={<TbAt />} />
To learn more about how to customize the appearance of components, please see the Theme docs.
interface InputTheme {
root: {
base: string;
labelPosition: {
left: string;
top: string;
base: string;
addon: string;
label: string;
field: {
base: string;
icons: {
base: string;
svg: string;
left: string;
right: string;
input: {
base: string;
sizes: MainSizesType;
colors: ColorsType;
label: {
base: string;
border: IBoolean;
withIcon: IBoolean;
withRightIcon: IBoolean;
withAddon: IBoolean;
multiline: IBoolean;