The alert component can be used to show a contextual text to the user such as a success or error message after form validation inside an alert box where you can choose from multiple colors, sizes, and styles.
The examples below are styled with Tailwind CSS and the reactivity is handled by React and you can also add any type of content inside the alert box.
To start using the alert box you need to import the <Alert> component from the pol-ui package:
import { Alert } from "pol-ui";
Default alert
The default alert component is a simple alert box with a text inside it and you can use the color prop to change the color of the alert box and the title prop to add a title to the alert box.
Inside of the <Alert> component you can add any type of content such as text, images, or other components as they will be considered children of the alert box.
Default alert
import { Alert } from "pol-ui";
import React from "react";
const AlertComponent = () => {
return (
An alert could be an incredible useful component when showing an important
advice is needed. You can easily customize it's colors, actions and texts.
Use it for feedback or warnings.
export default AlertComponent;
Prop name | Type | Default | Description |
icon | React.ReactNode | null | The icon to display in the accordion panel. |
onDismiss | () => void | null | Callback to be called when the alert is dismissed. |
children | React.ReactNode | null | The content to display in the alert. |
additionalContent | React.ReactNode | null | Additional content to display in the alert. |
color | Colors | "secondary" | The color of the alert. |
rounded | RoundedEnum | 'md' | The border radius of the alert. |
theme | AlertTheme | alertTheme | The theme of the alert. |
bordered | boolean | false | Whether to add a border accent to the alert. |
You can use the onDismiss prop to add a close button to the alert box and a callback to be called when the alert is dismissed.
Any function can be passed to the onDismiss prop and it will be called when the alert is dismissed.
Always open example
import { Alert } from "pol-ui";
import React from "react";
const AlertComponent = () => {
return (
<Alert onDismiss={() => alert("Alert dismissed!")}>
An alert could be an incredible useful component when showing an important
advice is needed. You can easily customize it's colors, actions and texts.
Use it for feedback or warnings.
export default AlertComponent;
With icon
You can use the icon prop to add an icon to the alert box. As usual, you can provide any time of svg as a React component to the icon prop.
Alert with icon
import { Alert } from "pol-ui";
import React from "react";
import { TbBulb } from "react-icons/tb";
const AlertComponent = () => {
return (
<Alert icon={TbBulb}>
An alert could be an incredible useful component when showing an important
advice is needed. You can easily customize it's colors, actions and texts.
Use it for feedback or warnings.
export default AlertComponent;
You can use the icon prop to add an icon to the alert box. As usual, you can provide any time of svg as a React component to the icon prop.
Alert Bordered
import { Alert } from "pol-ui";
import React from "react";
const AlertComponent = () => {
return (
<Alert bordered color="warning">
An alert could be an incredible useful component when showing an important
advice is needed. You can easily customize it's colors, actions and texts.
Use it for feedback or warnings.
export default AlertComponent;
Additional content
You can use the icon prop to add an icon to the alert box. As usual, you can provide any time of svg as a React component to the icon prop.
Additional content
import { Alert } from "pol-ui";
import React from "react";
const AlertComponent = () => {
return (
<Alert bordered color="warning">
An alert could be an incredible useful component when showing an important
advice is needed. You can easily customize it's colors, actions and texts.
Use it for feedback or warnings.
export default AlertComponent;
Additional content
You can use the icon prop to add an icon to the alert box. As usual, you can provide any time of svg as a React component to the icon prop.
Complete Alert
import { Alert, ColorsEnum } from "pol-ui";
import React from "react";
import { TbInfoCircle } from "react-icons/tb";
const AlertComponent = () => {
return (
<div className="mb-4 mt-2 text-sm text-info-700 dark:text-info-800">
This is the component comming from additionalContent as a prop,
could be used when you need to present a large text that is better
be cutted due to the icon.
<div className="flex gap-2">
<Button color={}>
<BiCheck className="h-4 w-4" />
<Button color={ColorsEnum.secondary}>Dismiss</Button>
<h3 className="text-lg font-medium text-cyan-700 dark:text-cyan-800">
This is a info alert
This content is the real one, the children.
export default AlertComponent;
To learn more about how to customize the appearance of components, please see the Theme docs.
interface AlertTheme {
base: string;
borderAccent: string;
color: ColorsType;
icon: string;
rounded: string;
wrapper: string;